I'm not a master of breads, but I have had to learn to make it since we are here. After many loaves of typical white bread, I was happy to have my dear friend, Ada, share this sourdough recipe with me! Its absolutely easy, it only has 4 ingredients, and it is a cinch to mix up.
In a glass or plastic bowl, use a wooden or plastic spoon to mix:
3 cups warm water
1 1/2 TBSP salt
1 1/2 TBSP yeast
6 cups flour
Stir til dough is evenly wet with no dry spots. Cover the container LIGHTLY (It has to be able to "burp") and let it sit overnight. This can then be chilled for up to 2 weeks. The longer you let it sit, the more fermented it becomes, and so more "sourdough". So far I have mixed mine up in the evening, then made a loaf for breakfast, and another for supper. Its to good to let it sit around longer:)
When you are ready to make it, use only water to handle the dough. It will be kinda sloppy like, but just wet your hands and take about 1/2 the dough out to make a round loaf. I put cornmeal in the bottom of a cast iron skillet, and plop it in there. Let it sit for 20 minutes, then come back and turn the oven on to 450. Put three slashes across the dough with a scissors or knife, then set timer for another 20 minutes. At this point you can sprinkle any kind of seasoning on it that you want. I used oregano, basil, and parmeson cheese, but you can do whatever.
When the 20 minutes are up, bake it for about 15-20 minutes. I just kinda watch it.
Happy Breadmaking!!