Tuesday, September 24, 2019

The blessing of Acceptance

So this week my phone fried. Its been throwing a few fits lately, but I was trying to be patient and not just think i need to rush out and buy another one.

Then one morning I woke, and it was dead. Like completely and totally wouldn't charge or turn on. Nothing. 

I soon had a decision to make. Feel utterly frusterated at all the pictures, messages, recipes, and notes that were now totally gone, 
or accept the loss and go on.  ( and remind every friend and their brother, and myself, to always, always back up your pictures on a regular basis)

It seems to have been a theme in the last few years, this acceptance. I don't mean the kind where  you are lazy and just allow everyone to run over you; being a carpet, but the kind of acceptance that can weather storms, and where, even in very disappointing times, your spirit remains at peace, and you aren't all bent out of shape.

I have a paragraph written in my Bible that i think on often.

In acceptance lieth peace, 
Oh my heart be still;
Let Thy restless worries cease, 
And accept His will.

Though this test be not thy choice,
 It is His, therefore, rejoice!
In His plan there cannot be, 
Aught to make thee sad,

If this is His choice for thee, 
Take it, and be glad!
Make from it a lovely thing, 
To the glory of the King.
Cease from sighs and murnering, 

Sing His lovely grace, 
This thing means thy furthering, 
To a wealthy place. 
From thy fears He'll give release. 
In acceptance lieth peace. 

Whatever storms you are facing today, whatever inconvenience, interruption, or trial,
may you find walk in grace, acceptance, and therefore, 

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The racetrack

Seems like a fitting title for a description of life since we landed in Haiti on July 24. Getting settled into a new home, going through several households things to furnish our own house, helping one family move out and another in, jess getting dengue for a week, butchering two pigs and having the biggest conference within salt happen all within the first two months we are here, besides the normal things that come with being a mom of 6, and is it any reason I can hardly catch my breath? There have been pockets of time where I breath , and do some things that refuel my being, and I'm grateful.

The house and property are located on the bottom edge of town, about a 3 minute walk to the coast. It's quiet and peaceful, and even when there are road blocks and chaos in town we can hardly tell from here. So much so, that one day when I walked up the street to get a taxi to go to market, I discovered town was "hot" (our term for when town has conflict, road blocks and/or burning tires) a little to late. We came up on a tractor trailer blocking the road. My driver got off, told me to walk around the truck...he pushed his cycle under the trailer and through the blockade and we net in the
other side, and were soon on our way. More blockades and I was feeling quite uncomfortable with being out and about. I told him to take me back where he picked me up but he drove up through town and soon had me at market. Let's just say I was thankful to be back home that day. Extra thankful.

Back to the house. We specifically prayed for various things and I can tell you, God handpicked this place. The children have place to play, there is a beautiful outbuilding for a schoolroom, we have guestrooms and our teacher has her own space. It's more than I dreamt!

The house is full of character but needed alot of cleaning and tlc. It's so much fun to see our work pay off with "after " pics that show such a difference. The yard will take awhile, but we enjoy that kind of work so it doesn't look overwhelming.

The racetrack is loosing it's grip on me as I realize how valuable it is to take a day at a time and put my all into it. I tend to be proactive; doing what doesn't need done badly to avoid it feeling huge. It pays off.

I'm settling in and nestling my family, and I am very very grateful for this time, this place, these people. I love this country and it's people; and there's no where I'd rather be than right where I am, with husband and family I have.

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