Then one morning I woke, and it was dead. Like completely and totally wouldn't charge or turn on. Nothing.
I soon had a decision to make. Feel utterly frusterated at all the pictures, messages, recipes, and notes that were now totally gone,
or accept the loss and go on. ( and remind every friend and their brother, and myself, to always, always back up your pictures on a regular basis)
It seems to have been a theme in the last few years, this acceptance. I don't mean the kind where you are lazy and just allow everyone to run over you; being a carpet, but the kind of acceptance that can weather storms, and where, even in very disappointing times, your spirit remains at peace, and you aren't all bent out of shape.
I have a paragraph written in my Bible that i think on often.
I have a paragraph written in my Bible that i think on often.
In acceptance lieth peace,
Oh my heart be still;
Let Thy restless worries cease,
And accept His will.
Though this test be not thy choice,
It is His, therefore, rejoice!
In His plan there cannot be,
Aught to make thee sad,
If this is His choice for thee,
Take it, and be glad!
Make from it a lovely thing,
To the glory of the King.
Cease from sighs and murnering,
Sing His lovely grace,
This thing means thy furthering,
To a wealthy place.
From thy fears He'll give release.
In acceptance lieth peace.
Whatever storms you are facing today, whatever inconvenience, interruption, or trial,
may you find walk in grace, acceptance, and therefore,