Sunday, November 15, 2015

The country girls head to the city......

 Some of my sweetest treasures are times spent with people  I love. I've learned that I enjoy quality time over gifts that I have to dust around.  This week put an epic memory on my shelf. I am thankful for a husband who makes it possible and encourages me to take a day or two away occasionally.
We awaited these days for months.
Here we come Lancaster city.
This is all my sisters, mom and Sister in law. We were missing one sil.
(still wish you could have come Becca!)
Jean, the artsy one in the family, took us to a pottery painting session. We loved it!!! The black mug was what I chose and painted. I can't wait til it is kiln dried and ready to use.
and a dinner at Olive Garden.
There are always "those kind" in every family. HA!
I am so very blessed to have a mama, sisters and in-laws who are such good friends. We do so many things together, and enjoy each other so much. Thanks girls, for a very very fun time. You all are the BEST! 

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