Saturday, June 2, 2018


“Sometimes what we think may break us, is but a brake to save us. Sometimes what we believe is weighing us down is the way He draws us closer. Sometimes what we believe is keeping us from more is a way to keep us close enough to know more of who we are; BELOVED. What feels like to much can give you more of God.” – Ann Voscamp

20180121_174104(0)If you haven’t read “The Broken Way” I highly recommend it. Living broken is living whole in Him. It doesn’t matter if you live in America, or Africa, or Haiti, if you are living in surrender to God you have endless opportunities to live broken. Its choosing the highway, when you feel like defending yourself. Its choosing to be misunderstood, when you are living out of conviction. Its never the easy way, and always the right way.

Whatever pieces of broken are laying around you today, choose Jesus to be the Saviour of your wrecked hopes, dreams, misunderstanding, and hurting heart. “Broken is beautiful, when Grace sings the melody”

And He is our abundant Grace. –Shalom!

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