Sunday, November 27, 2016

We heard about furlough. We heard about the rushing and the busy-ness and the constant activities and coming back all weary.
So we began to plan for our furlough with intention long before it arrived.

Wide open spaces in the planner

Focused goals

margin for more or less....

and lots of lists...

It paid off.

We came back rejuvenated, refreshed, and ready to dig in again,
with plenty of good memories to think on besides!!!

The children did SUPER well with traveling. Thanks to Mom, they each have their own carry on, and back pack.
They each carried all their personal clothing and fun things for travel . This certainly eased up a lot of disorganization on my end, and we had very few check-ins tied up in clothing.  I'll do this again!

We had arranged our trip home over the time Jess's family was together at a cabin.
What a great time!!! The cabin itself was so accomidating, so beautiful, and we
enjoyed being able to see family we don't see very often.
Def a highlight of our trip!

Enjoying Eicorn scones from my little sisters kitchen....

And taking a walk back the scenic field lane... drinking in the beauty of Autumn in Pa....

Mom's moon pies will never be beat by anyone else. Even a torn rotary cuff didn't stop her from making some for all of us!

Thank you so much, each and every one of you, who made our stay so enjoyable. Thank you for the grace you extended, the ways you gave, ( time, monetary, gifts, babysitting, encouragement, and support) We are so blessed to have each of you in our life!

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Sunday evening family time

Sundays are a mixture of rest and fun for us here. Yesterday was a day just like that. We went to one of the village churches, then had lunch with Mary, who was here from Pa, working on some hurricane relief efforts.

Jess slept off a headache, and the rest of us visited with Mary, watched the littles do their "daring" skateboard escapades, and read books. Around 4, we packed up the marshmallows and grahams and choc, along with Aunt Ev's famous Sterges seasoned pretzels,  Uncle David's yummy summer sausage, some ice coffee,and we headed off to the rocky beach.
It was beautiful. The sunset was perfect, the waves a perfect rhythm of sound that
somehow reach the soul, and renews you from the inside out.

Away from the busy-ness and noise of the village, this
space is a special reprieve.

I have more pictures to post, but for some reason I can't load them.
Just picture gooey, sticky marshmellows,
a tiny little fire ring,
and some adorable children making memories and having fun:)

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Pressing on....

Short update....

 Jess headed out to Les Cayes yesterday mid morning and we haven't hadn't had communication since. He has passed messages through Bryan's, which at least allowed me to know that he was ok. He was sent out beyond Les Cayes..and that's about all I know. He was planning to return tonight, but after deciding he wasn't fit to make the drive at this hour, decided to stay and come home in the morning.

I know that their are many men who are exhausted, and the needs are astounding. Riots are breaking out; some trucks had people try to steal the food before they reached their destination. There are places where its impassable with vehicles, and men are coming out of villages on foot, reporting cholera outbreaks, people with broken bones, and food supplies are running out. ITS A DESPERATE situation. Please, first pray, and then, if you are able, funding is needed for food and tarps. The mountainsides are stripped and with no shelters, people have no where to go. If you want funds to get to the relief quickly send them to: Haiti Relief and Missions
                                                    PO box 433 Berlin Oh. 44610
Thank you all for praying for us. The more I hear about the areas further south, the more I realize that even tho it was aweful here, we were spared SO SO MUCH.
I'll try to keep you all updated. I 've tried to load pictures but the computer wasn't cooperating. Thank you for caring, praying, and sharing. We need you all!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Safe and Busy

That pretty much describes us here, right now. After the events of the last few days, I feel like I need to try to catch up here, and let everyone of you who have shown so much care, concern, and sent prayers for us, know that we are ok. I will try to describe our lives as best I can.

We heard the warnings of the hurricane on Saturday, but it was really hard to believe that anything was amiss. We had sunny skies, and everything felt normal. Becca, Maria, my girls and I went out to the beach abit, and there we saw a turbulent ocean, and waters full of sea weed. THAT was a sign of something amiss.

Sunday came, and we finally decided to carry through with our plans to go to MGM  and visit their deaf school. It felt like the storm, should it come, was still a ways off. We were glad we went. It was refreshing to be with our friends and share fellowship and a meal together. They are located about 1.5 hours from here, higher in the mountains, and it was chilly! We got home and still, nothing to major happening.

Monday was overcast and dreary, but really, if we had not had warning, it might have felt like a cozy  autuum day. We met with some men from the village and talked about what we would do, should the storm come. The church and school would be "safe places" and the canteen would serve food if needed.
Then came night. The wind picked up ,and the rains started. By morning, we were seeing a hurricane arrive. We had tried to prepare, but there is really only so much you can do. Our shudders were closed, (we have no windows) and we had gathered in things that could blow.

By 8am, we were in a storm. Such blowing and rain as we have never seen. Sheets of whiteness came across our house. The trees swayed wildly, and scraped against the roof. We cringed, wondering if they might fall onto the house. We made coffee, and played games with the children. We mopped the dripping water from the leaks in the ceiling, stuffed towls into the window that didn't have a shudder and occasionally, stepped onto the porch, only to run for the inside again where it was safe. I finally gave up trying to soak up water in our bedroom... and left it make its path across the room, under the bed and out the porch door.

I was astounded to see people about... drenched as they walked about, most likely checking in on family members. It was amazing to see everyone caring for each other. Families hunkered down together in their small houses.
Big limbs fell, roofs blew, and unsecured items were sailing.

The day was long and tedious. It felt like it would never stop.

I kept thinking, the sun will shine again, this can't last forever.

I couldn't help but think on the wonder of water.
When it comes hard and furious, it doesn't feel like a blessing, but the moment the storm is over, I was running it into a bucket, NEEDING it for cleaning up the mud and mess.

The storm finally did subside, but I had to be sad for those who's path it would cross next. One notable thing about Matthew was how SLOWLY he moved, and because of that, he worked long and tediously. Go on to sea, Matthew, where you won't affect anyone! But he wasn't in control of his path.

And that thought was one I pondered too. Why God?? Why do you bring these things to us? Why do you allow such devastation to such a poor country already??

On the other hand, what do we ever do to deserve favor? God is good. And all He brings is good. All He chooses, is GOOD. We see the here, the now, a fraction of His grand picture. I want to walk through this with our people well, and bring Him glory however that may look.
It may be going to serve some hot tea to the yard guys again, who are working so hard to clean up.
It might be helping Becca interpret for yet another lady who is coming to look for some clothes to buy.
It might mean putting up with soggy laundry another day, without complaining.

I pray He finds us faithful.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016


I dont' really like changes. You know, its more comfortable to settle down into a little nest, all safe and I where I feel in control of my world.

But where I feel safe and in control, may be the very worst place for me to be.

For there, I tend to trust me and my abilities.
There, I think I can manage to keep the wind from ruffling my feathers.

When God began taking us to a new level of trust Him, to lay down what seemed logical and rational,
we started to realize what "peace that passes all understanding" was.

And the journey continues.

Our move to Haiti was big, but we have this peace, this assurance, that we wouldn't be happier anywhere else.

We were a team with Preston and Apphia Breckbill,
working together for a common goel.
Things were going well, and even tho we knew that their term was up in Dec and they planned to go home then, we weren't anticipating them leaving early, and they didn't plan for her fathers illness to be the reason for leaving.

Pray for them as they fly today, and the changes they are facing.
They need to trust, rest, and adjust.

Pray for us as we are here "alone".
We need to trust, rest, and adjust.

"Overwhelm us God, with all that You can give. Overwhelm us, with Your power, Your strength,
Your sheltering hand. Overwhelm us with Your wisdom, and Your presence."

When my heart is overwhelmed Lead me to the Rock that is higher than I,
And may YOU overwhelm me. ~Carolyn Schrock

Sunday, August 21, 2016

Of blessings and friends....

We've had the blessing of more visitors lately... here is a few pictures from the last weeks.

My long time friend and sister, Hannah. 
Beautiful lady who has blessed my life
in so many ways.

"i wish I had asked for Oreos" says one little.
"lets go see in my apartment, says the Auntie".
Some desires are granted quite quickly,
much to my childrens delight.

My dear Auntie and three of my cousins visited for about 10 days.
Between them and my mom, we had a major "Christmas in July"
here at our house. Thank you all SO MUCH!

Then there was the cousins. My children had so much fun with
these girls. Something about having cousins their age visit was
very very special.
And after getting caught in that Delta fiasco, making their trip
here almost a 30 hour ordeal, we were really, really  thankful
to finally have them arrive.

Thank you everyone, for your part in encouraging us, and cheering us
by your tokens of love.
We are very very blessed.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short and again and again, because there is no effort without failure and shortcoming; but who does actually strive todo the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms; the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory or defeat". -T Roosevelt  

We're pilgrims on the journey of the narrow road
And those who've gone before us line the way
Cheering on the faithful, encouraging the weary
Their lives a stirring testament to God's sustaining grace

Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses
Let us run the race not only for the prize
But as those who've gone before us, let us leave to those behind us
The heritage of faithfulness passed on through godly lives

After all our hopes and dreams have come and gone
And our children sift through all we've left behind
May the clues that they discover and the memories they uncover
Become the light that leads them to the road we each must find

Oh may all who come behind us find us faithful
May the fire of our devotion light their way
May the footprints that we leave, lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey

I listen to this song frequently. I need to purposefully take a day at a time, a moment at a time, and be faithful IN the moment, FOR the moment.
Moments become hours,
Hours, days.
Days, years
Years, our lifetime.

Saturday, July 9, 2016

I'm thinking of the states.....

Today is a day of very mixed feelings. I know this is home now, but my mind is back there, in the states, with my family. Most of them are at a cousins wedding, with lots of family and extended family, and one of my sisters is going home with a brand new baby, born last night.
These are the times that can be hard. I want to be there with everyone.

So I will count some blessings.

1. my sister and her husband just visited, and we had a great time!
2. A single Aunt, a friend, and 3 counsins will arrive in a little over a week. Yay!
3. Another sister and her husband and THREE girls (my children shout with the excitement of cousins coming!!) arrive in several weeks.
4. I am able to get pictures of the wedding, and the new baby via voxer. I LOVE that!

We are SERIOUSLY blessed by the support visitors show. We know it takes time, effort, not to mention, money, to take a trip like this. Thank you for making the days we miss home, easier, by your support. Maybe you aren't able to come physically, but you pray for us, and lots of times when someone comes and brings our mail, we get cards, letters, pictures, and gifts from our friends and family.

Why i work out....

This is a random post, but I keep thinking that some of my mommy friends
might be encouraged...

~~~~why I work out~~~~

I have every afternoon free and don't know what todo with all my extra time.
Every day, I have so much energy I can't help but work out
I need to loose weight
I want to build muscle.    (this one may be the most laughable)
I just plain love it so much its a hobby.

Nope, none of those are reasons I have been faithfully walking the 2 mile arobic walk with Leslie Sansone consistently for the last number of weeks

But here are a few reasons that I want to encourage my Mommy friends out there to EXCERSISE.

Its good discipline.
You feel better mentally, emotionally, and physically.
It only takes 30 minutes.  (for the particular workout I am doing)
Its good for your body; for your heart.
Its energizing. I am sure this is different for different people, but I would choose my 2 mile walk over a nap almost any day.
I'm almost 35. Enough  said.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

Running the race....

Its a wonderful race, this life of ours. But that doesn't mean that it isn't a hard race sometimes:)
The last few weeks have been different in many ways. Then again, we've only been here not quite 5 months, so do we really know what "normal" is?

School is out and we have had some wonderfully fun hours of summer school. The children think it is great and I enjoy it too.

Then we got ready for my sister and brother in law's visit. We had SO MUCH FUN with them. We savored each day, and made lots of memories. Somehow, times stilled somewhat during that week. I feel like we did a lot of stuff, but I didn't feel busy or bustling.

Off to the beach!

The artist in our family, this Auntie knows how to get the girls' creativity flowing!

I still don't know if it was fortunate or unfortunate that the Agriculture conference that HRM hosted was this same week or not. It was nice in that I didn't have to cook. much. at. all. And Lorens got all the Haitian food they wanted. It also slowed life down here for the ladies in that we didn't do anything much except maintain , basically. This made it easy for me to take off for the beaches several times with Jean. Lovely!
It did mean Jess was very busy and we sometimes just got little glimses of him during a few of those days. He and the team did a wonderful job of coordinating everything, and I think every one of the 75+ people were blessed and encouraged to try new, innovative ways to grow food, crops for animals, prevent erosion, and conserve moisture during dry seasons.

Totally spellbound as Aunt Jean shares, and reads, Shaloms Story. She
gave each family one, written esp for children. The hospital procedures are explained,
and there are lots of beautiful pictures.
We love and miss you precious Girl.
Dance with the angels as you sit at the feet of Jesus.

I wasn't prepared for the sadness I felt after taking Jean & Loren back to the airport. It just made me a bit homesick... her going back to all my family. Maybe realizing just how far away we are.... how distance changes so much, but on the other hand, just how much we have as sisters, to even miss each other this much. We are more than sisters, we are FRIENDS. I'm thankful.

Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Experiments. ...

I have been wanting to start some herbs and container plants, but the lack of...
No... the price of....
No, I can't even say it's that necessarily. ( although when the majority of things cost almost 3x what you are used to, you think twice or three times before buying)
It's simply a lack of desperation I guess..
Today I got desperate. Wanted soemthing bad enough. And creativity kicked in. ( thank you for your help, Pintrest:))

I started with some peanut butter and mayo container,  a few milk powder tins, black spray paint, and we were on a roll.
( btw... does anyone else love spray paint like I do?! It transforms! )
I had a compost pile started months ago, so I mixed and stirred some dirt over the little stones I collected for drainage.
My mama and my sil had generously showered me with packets of seeds: cilantro, basil, parsley, oregano, chives, & thyme.

And then there were the packets of lettuce just begging to be planted. I've tried several times but to no great avail.
A little peek in the shop junk pile revealed some old drawers that suddenly inspired me. Why not plant a lettuce bed in them so I can move it from sun to shade as well as control the soil abit better? Worth a try!
Ill let you know in a few weeks what happens. In the meantime, my little porch corner has high hopes from me... don't you wanna sit here and have coffee with me while we watch the herbs grow?:)

Monday, June 20, 2016

5 Things I am Loving Today

There is nothing like it.

Summer vacation is here for us, and we are enjoying the new schedule. Today was the first day of "summer school" with Mom as teacher. Fun! I know the newness will wear off, but hopefully keeping it to just an hour or two, several days a week, will keep it that way. We are also working at delegating household chores, above what is "normal". Soon Zoey will be able to run that wringer washer herself! Cleaning and food prep are also being delegated.

Our family goes throught them by the dozens. They are so cheap, so good for you... why wouldn't we?!

and specifically the rocky beach we went to on Sunday. Three of the children found a little cove and nestled down with books. Jorden dug in the dirt/ sand and we listened to the waves crashing against the rocks. Later, they climbed the dune, and we walked along the shore. Beautiful!

I am enjoying my family more than ever before. They are with me more than ever, and I am enjoying that. I want to savor every moment. Delight in the little things, and journey on with joy.

Happy Monday my friends!

Sunday, May 22, 2016


School ends June 10. The children had a lapse during the move, and then getting back into things took a little time. They are excited for vacation! I hope to do maintaince school during the summer, just a few hours several days a week to keep them in tune ( and for some concentrated mom time too:)

We've discovered (in a whole new way) the love of reading!! I read aloud as many evenings as we can, and we are All enjoying the books, but also, the family time.

We just pulled our first green bean stalks out and are ready to replant. We have a very small garden, but are anxious to utilize the space better. So far we have  had green beans, a bit of spinach, and have cucumbers, tomatoes and peppers that LOOK promising. We'll see. Also, we have a little row of zinnias that are just a sweet reminder of our garden at home. A pop of color in our little garden!

We are learning Creole!
And so are the children. One day I asked one of them a question in Dutch, and they answered in Creole. Ummmmm???!!!  I enjoy being able to successfully bargain for the fruits and vegetables that come to our door, and also, communicate with my new friends. I can't wait til I can join the ladies in Bible Study, and understand them! We have so far to go yet with language, but its coming!

Occasionally we listen to a CD for our Sunday worship, so that we can take in a message in English. Today was special... we listened to our home congregation, over the phone. What a blessing!

An invitation to our fellow teammates in Gode tonight, for ice cream because they have to much milk?! Yay!!! (The milk itself is a special treat. We only have powdered milk here)


Monday, May 9, 2016

My work....

Sometimes people ask, "what is your job or responsibility there in Haiti?"

You know, as I was struggling the other day, feeling like what do I really do? I was again reminded  that every time I answer the door with a smile, (again) answer another question, or fetch keys for someone else, I am doing something important.

Why do we think that its  great and big things that matter most??

I am thankful for the gentleness of Jesus, in reminding me that even tho I may "only " cook lots of food, host lots of visitors (which I love todo, btw) or answer the door for the 5th time in a morning, that when I do it FOR HIM I am doing something important.

I want to be faithful in little everyday things. I am mostly doing here what you do there.Normal things like  being a mom, cooking, cleaning, reading  stories, assisting  with homework, rinse and repeat.

I am honored to do this.  I am blessed. And I choose to joy in the mundane. These moments turn to hours, and the hours into days. I want to make the most of every one.

Blessings to each of you, wherever you are, in whatever He has called you to. BE FAITHFUL!

Friday, May 6, 2016

All in a day....

Wednesday May 4 was a day we have been anticipating.. The return of Preston and Apphia and their family. We have grown to love them a lot, and working with them as a team has been a privilege. They had been gone on a two week furlough, and even tho everything went well while they were gone, we anxious  to have them back.

We decided to take Jorden and Kayte and the four of us go in to Port to pick them up. Just the time out with Jess was a treat. The school children were looking forward to spending time with Janella after school. All was set.

Soon after we left we got word that Prestons might miss their flight. Then, we heard they were on track. So we continued on.

Jess made special effort to stop along the rode where lots of vendors were selling bicycles. To Jorden and Kaytes delight, he found them each a bike. Now they have a piece of their "life in the US" back!

Lunch at the VOL French Restaurant was special. Located at the end of the runway, and seated on the second story, we have full view of planes taking off and landing right over our heads. For the children, the "just like McDonalds" type playground is a highlight. We meandered through lunch, enjoying the special food and the time together. We were in great time for picking prestons up, so Jess stopped at a hardware store just to acquaint himself with what they carry. Then the phone call.

Prestons missed their flight due to weather and had to reschedule for the following day. Stuck in Ft. Myers with luggage and a tired family, my heart went out to them.

We started for home. With no idea if their flight would be early or late,  not having all our family together, and really not prepared to spend the night in Port, it seemed like the best option.

But, it wasn't to be a fast trip home.

First, a police stop. Our windows are tinted. No go.
We show the paperwork for them being tinted.

Oh, so now its because Jess didn't have his seat belt on.
A phone call to Richa ( our Haitian contact) and we were soon on our way. He seems to have a way with people like that, even the police.:)

A hour  or so later we come up to stopped traffic.
Ugh oh.
Roadblock. Demonstrations. 
These things  are frustrating. Sometimes it because of political reasons. This time  we heard it was because the people are wanting electric in their town. They will stop tap-taps or semi's, (usually larger vehicles) make them park across the road to block it, then either slice or burn the tires. It holds up traffic for hours and hours. I haven't heard if it got them electric or not:P
We waited for what felt like much longer than what it was, i'm sure, and FINALLY got moving past the unfortunate vehicles. Arriving home around 9:30, we were so thankful to be safe.

Jess got up around 5:30 and retraced the route to try for Prestons again. This time they had an early flight and around 10, it looked like he would soon be on his way back. Everything went well until they came back through the same town we had seen the demonstration in the night before. By this time Prestons poor family had been traveling for over 24 hours, and wouldn't you know, the wait for the demonstration to clear for traffic to pass was FOUR HOURS.

When they finally arrived last night, weary and worn, we were thankful that they were here, and safe.

It was just another couple of days in Haiti..........

Friday, April 29, 2016

Kayte is FIVE!

Funny and fun, Kind and Sweet
Delightful Smile, bright shiny dark eyes...

A new birthday tradition,
an idea from my sister.
Puppy pancakes!!

A quick little photo shoot...

Kayte is our quiet child. Quick to forgive, easy to please,
and delights in the little things of life.

How thankful I am for the honor of being her Mama.
We love you Kayte!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Thank you...

Thank you so much, friends and family, and EVERYONE who made my birthday special by sending cards, newsy letters, money,  voxer messages and emails.  I am thankful for each one of you! My day was quiet... in the afternoon the ladies of the compound dropped in one by one and brought sweet cards, 8'oclock coffee, and one brought a cute red mug. I felt loved.

I am not sad that I am another year older, not really. I am so grateful for another year of LIFE, another year to be married to a wonderful man, to be mommy to 5 precious and beautiful children. Some women are not granted any or even all of these things. I am richly blessed.

This year has been so full of change. Some so hard, and yet, He has led us all the way, and we have peace that He will make our path straight in the future too.
Its been full of hard things, But these hard things are to draw us closer to HIM. And they have.
Its been full of loss. My niece who went to be with Jesus. My Grandpa's too.  

There were losses in other ways too.. most  that left us walking in faith. But HE HAS BEEN FAITHFUL.

We've moved from all we have known. We were gifted with a clear call, and He has been with us all the way.

So in this year ahead, we press on in the path He has chosen for us. Thank you so much for being part of our journey.

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Things i love...

I promised to share a few of my favorite things in our new home, so here goes:

The warm sunshine, and clear, clear blue sky.

The little hummingbird that frequents my porch, and reminds me of Gods love for even me.

For rice and beans and spicy sauce.

For shining black eyes and little brown skinned children all around us.

For the ability to learn a new language, and friends who help me.

For team members who care, and share, and live life closely with us, generously.

For a strong husband, and how he leads, and loves, and gives so much every day.

For 5 beautiful, healthy, growing children who make my life so rich.

Mangos. mangos. mangos. 

The ocean, our "extended " back yard.

These are a few of my favorite things...
(and not in any special order)

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Things i miss....

I rarely get real personal in this little space. When the my vistor count jumps in numbers by the 100's , but very few people sign their name, its a little a lot scary, ya know?
But today, I am stepping out to share. Someone ask me one the other day what I miss the most here.

I honestly could not think. I very much miss my mom, sisters, friends that are more like family, and friends all around. 
But what I miss otherwise?  I feel so at home here.. and the peace we feel about listening to the call of God is incredible. It carries us. It makes the missing less harsh.

But then, as I was thinking about it,  I realized there are things I miss.

Like turning on the faucet and getting hot water. For dishes or showers, or for washing clothes.

Like the smell of spring, with the cool mornings and birds appearing.

I miss not seeing my nieces and nephews learn and grow. (although I must say the aunties do a great job of sending videos and pictures. Thank God for VOXER!)

I miss not being able to thrift shop when I choose to.

I miss a big yard of green grass. And mowing it.

In my next post I will tell you about the things I love. Some of my favorite things.
There are many!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Of veggies and other favorite foods...

Fresh ginger and anise make a
delicious Haitian tea. They add sugar of course!:)

We enjoy fresh mangoes often!

Fresh cabbage, eggplant, onion, garlic and tomatoes
are easily available at market

Some of our favorite foods as a family are fresh made
banann with picklies,  or
fresh bananas with honey and peanut butter
(Thank you Uncle Ave, for the invention and introduction!!)

We are eating from this hanger of bananas right now:)

Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Happy Birthday Abby!!

Have I ever seen a child like you?
-Abby May Myer-
You bring such life and such love to my days.

Some days I wonder if you are 6, or 16,
because you see the world through deeper eyes than those of
a 7 year old.

You have the softest of hearts. So gentle,
full of love, oozing with joy.
When you pull my face into your hands when I kiss you goodnight,
you tell me I am "the most kind and loving mother you have ever
known- could we please get up early to have tea and a little chat
My heart  knows that God has big plans for you. You will see the
weak among the crowd, and love them.
You will see the hurting,
and hug them.
You sing on rainy days, and you ooze with life on the sunny ones.

Don't stop loving life. Don't stop serving, and giving, and

Your first birthday in Haiti....
-Haitian friends decorated your cake
-You had a new dress, a gift from "Mum"
-Richa ordered soda after the party started "because its for her birthday!"

You were so excited for your party you could hardly contain yourself.

Daddy found you a bike!!
New friends to celebrate with. (I think she was missing Pa and Mum:))

My beautiful girl... keep squeezing the breath out of every moment.
I'm SO GLAD you are ours!!!