That pretty much describes us here, right now. After the events of the last few days, I feel like I need to try to catch up here, and let everyone of you who have shown so much care, concern, and sent prayers for us, know that we are ok. I will try to describe our lives as best I can.
We heard the warnings of the hurricane on Saturday, but it was really hard to believe that anything was amiss. We had sunny skies, and everything felt normal. Becca, Maria, my girls and I went out to the beach abit, and there we saw a turbulent ocean, and waters full of sea weed. THAT was a sign of something amiss.
Sunday came, and we finally decided to carry through with our plans to go to MGM and visit their deaf school. It felt like the storm, should it come, was still a ways off. We were glad we went. It was refreshing to be with our friends and share fellowship and a meal together. They are located about 1.5 hours from here, higher in the mountains, and it was chilly! We got home and still, nothing to major happening.
Monday was overcast and dreary, but really, if we had not had warning, it might have felt like a cozy autuum day. We met with some men from the village and talked about what we would do, should the storm come. The church and school would be "safe places" and the canteen would serve food if needed.
Then came night. The wind picked up ,and the rains started. By morning, we were seeing a hurricane arrive. We had tried to prepare, but there is really only so much you can do. Our shudders were closed, (we have no windows) and we had gathered in things that could blow.
By 8am, we were in a storm. Such blowing and rain as we have never seen. Sheets of whiteness came across our house. The trees swayed wildly, and scraped against the roof. We cringed, wondering if they might fall onto the house. We made coffee, and played games with the children. We mopped the dripping water from the leaks in the ceiling, stuffed towls into the window that didn't have a shudder and occasionally, stepped onto the porch, only to run for the inside again where it was safe. I finally gave up trying to soak up water in our bedroom... and left it make its path across the room, under the bed and out the porch door.
I was astounded to see people about... drenched as they walked about, most likely checking in on family members. It was amazing to see everyone caring for each other. Families hunkered down together in their small houses.
Big limbs fell, roofs blew, and unsecured items were sailing.
The day was long and tedious. It felt like it would never stop.
I kept thinking, the sun will shine again, this can't last forever.
I couldn't help but think on the wonder of water.
When it comes hard and furious, it doesn't feel like a blessing, but the moment the storm is over, I was running it into a bucket, NEEDING it for cleaning up the mud and mess.
The storm finally did subside, but I had to be sad for those who's path it would cross next. One notable thing about Matthew was how SLOWLY he moved, and because of that, he worked long and tediously. Go on to sea, Matthew, where you won't affect anyone! But he wasn't in control of his path.
And that thought was one I pondered too. Why God?? Why do you bring these things to us? Why do you allow such devastation to such a poor country already??
On the other hand, what do we ever do to deserve favor? God is good. And all He brings is good. All He chooses, is GOOD. We see the here, the now, a fraction of His grand picture. I want to walk through this with our people well, and bring Him glory however that may look.
It may be going to serve some hot tea to the yard guys again, who are working so hard to clean up.
It might be helping Becca interpret for yet another lady who is coming to look for some clothes to buy.
It might mean putting up with soggy laundry another day, without complaining.
I pray He finds us faithful.