Saturday, March 26, 2016

Things i love...

I promised to share a few of my favorite things in our new home, so here goes:

The warm sunshine, and clear, clear blue sky.

The little hummingbird that frequents my porch, and reminds me of Gods love for even me.

For rice and beans and spicy sauce.

For shining black eyes and little brown skinned children all around us.

For the ability to learn a new language, and friends who help me.

For team members who care, and share, and live life closely with us, generously.

For a strong husband, and how he leads, and loves, and gives so much every day.

For 5 beautiful, healthy, growing children who make my life so rich.

Mangos. mangos. mangos. 

The ocean, our "extended " back yard.

These are a few of my favorite things...
(and not in any special order)

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