Monday, January 11, 2016

The Charleston Aquarium....

I have wanted to visit Charleston for quite awhile, so this trip gave perfect opportunity. I know we could have spent a week here, but some of the things I want todo here aren't child friendly. Like a coffee shop and a book for instance:)
In our stage of life we found some pretty fun things todo!
This aquarium...
many different tanks of fish.....
Jorden may or may not have felt this was a little to close for gater proximity:)
The bay....
We watched this huge cruise ship leave port headed for the Bahamas. I have NO DESIRE to go on a cruise, but it was fascinating to see.
Aren't they the cutest little crew?
Old building lined the streets.. and we didn't even see half. Maybe another time:)
The bay. 
We left Charleston and meandered on down to FL where we settled into my parents house, a few miles from where Jess's parents live.
Its great to be in a house again,
in a few days, we head to our new home.

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