The summer has come and flew and is soon to go out just as quickly. We are living our days, some planned and yet having many opportunities to have our plans changed and be flexible. Truly, each moment is a gift to be savored, and opportunities come daily that we do not want to miss or take for granted.
We started out summer normally…. the Haitian school left out, the Dorcas Center closed and Becca went home. The children finished out the 2017/2018 school year and had about 2 weeks of break before Lynita came on May 16. This is the second year she came to teach summer school and so it was easy for her to jump in and start the 2018/2019 year. I was so grateful for the break, even tho i scarcely knew what todo with all the extra time. It was really fun tho, to be able to sew, and do some things that i didn’t have time for before, as well as have the school load shared. We enjoyed taking random days off, and I enjoyed having a coffee buddy. Lynita was such a blessing and encouragement to us, and we enjoyed having her here very much.
It was a special blessing to have Lynita here while i took my trip stateside. She kept school going and the house running. It was disappointing to not be able to spend any time in Labaliene together before she left, but God knew that all along.
We looked forward to welcoming Katrina Musser , who was coming to teach for several weeks this summer as an opportunity to learn more about school and classroom. God knew we would need her for domestics much more than for teaching. She has served and given in amazing ways, and I was so blessed by how she utilized spare time to come up with creative crafts and learning games that supplemented their lessons. ( But they hardly knew they were learning)
We enjoyed visiting friends, a trip to the river, a trip to the mountains,and many other everyday things.
So summer is ending and we are anticipating some concentrated family time before plunging into a busy new year of school ( for us, and also Haitian school, which means the end of a quiet courtyard) finishing up some projects on the compound and other things we have on our plate. Life here is not always easy, and some days i need to intentionally count blessings. I need to remember God is good, and He is writing out our story one day at a time, and even the hard and the difficult and the uncomfortable, are all being used to make a beautiful tapestry. By the grace of God we will be faithful one day at a time.
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