Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Happy birthday Zoey!

You came into our life, and our hearts fell deeply in love with you. What a gift you are to our family!! Your name means LIFE and truely, you live up to that.

You have taught us that there is oil of joy for mourning, beauty for ashes and that redemption sometimes comes in small steps, but that EVERY STEP forward is a gift. 

You remind me of a butterfly.. fluttering among flowers. Your smile  makes my heart well in thankfulness when you spill over into giggles. 

You work so hard in school, and your consistent dream of being a teacher allows me to see a special part of your heart. 
God has great things in mind for you, precious. His plan for you is perfect. 
Full of redemption. 
You are a gift and we are honored to be 
the recipients.  

Happy 10th!!

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