Wednesday, November 22, 2017


I didn't think it was a big deal, having no Thanksgiving plans and treating the day as a normal day. Last year we took the day off... had guests and even a pretty traditional meal. It was great!
We've had a busy last weekend and we are anticipating some long awaited company on Friday. We will spend the day preparing and getting one more day of school in.

As I look at my friends decorating their beautiful tables, carving turkey, and counting their blessings,  I need to focus. I may not be with family,  and we won't be eating turkey, but we CAN count blessings!!!

We've been given another year to live here in Haiti.

We have a healthy happy almost 12 month old baby girl who has brought us SO MUCH JOY  this past year.

We have learned more Creole and are able to communicate better than we ever have.

We are loving our home school days....

The sun dried our laundry today. Huge blessing!!!!

We are not forgotten. Not by our family. Not by our God. He is our Faithful Loving Father and we are honored to see how He has brought us to where we are. And where He will lead us.

Happy Thanksgiving ya'all. Let's be full of thanks every single day.

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