Sunday, January 7, 2024

Jesus over my day....

Last week stretched me, and grew me.  I hope i look back on it as a memorial, and never forget the lessons i learned. 

I had moments of huge overwhelm. 

I didn't think i could manage what was before me. 

I was tired of giving, and giving and giving. 

But I had forgotten!! I lost sight of Who is in control of my day. Who it is that plans and brings each disruption, opportunity, and person (and sometimes thy are all in one) into my life!!  I forgot who i am really living for: The Glory of my Heavenly Father

I got past the hard. Into quiet. 
And i realized it had all gone just fine. Better than what i had anticipated.

I want to learn, REMEMBER---

This is a moment. These days, they are simply moments in my life. They come, they go. I can accept my days, my work, my place in this life, as a gift from my Father. We so often want the glamor. The mountain top. The glory. 
But often, serving in faithfulnss requires uncomfortable. Inconvience. And unplanned things. It isn't always fun or easy.  But HE IS WITH US. He is our strength. He is our Provider. 

I have found Him to be a Faithful, Faithful Father. 

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